There is certainly something special about the Adirondack Mountains and the wilderness that surrounds it. And that’s why local, Tyler Socash, is taking a stand to protect it.
Anyone who has spent time in the area develops a deep appreciation for the beautiful, vastness of the park. Tyler Socash is no different. He grew up in the Adirondacks. The High Peaks were his playground.
He left the region to pursue school, a career, and farther-reaching adventures, but Tyler grew to realize along his journeys that there was really no place like home—like the Adirondacks. And to that tune, Tyler knows this is a place worth fighting for, so he took action.
It’s been a banner year for keeping lands and places wild in the United States.
Boreas Ponds is no exception. With over a year long battle already under his belt, Adirondack-born, Tyler Socash, is still marching forward. Literally, marching.
On the morning of Wednesday, November 15th, Tyler will take off from the Boreas Ponds on a 24-hour journey to the Adirondack Park Agency meeting in Ray Brook on Thursday, November 16th.
Not only will he be trekking 40+ miles to this meeting, but he will be carrying over 1,700 letters of support from other wilderness advocates who want to keep the Boreas Ponds area wild and free of motor vehicles.
Tyler writes out the 5 reasons that he is hiking from Boreas Ponds to the APA Meeting on Wednesday here, but the one that struck me was the following:
“Less than 3% of the contiguous Lower 48 states are currently protected as motor-free Wilderness.”
You have the power to be part of the effort to hold fast to this 3%. To keep Boreas Ponds wild.
How To Make a Difference
1. Send a letter today!
Go to this link – it takes about 10 seconds to send a letter, then Tyler will carry this to the APA meeting on Wednesday, 11/15 and physically show them how much support the wilderness has!
2. Call the Governor’s Office!
You can call Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office and note that you want to keep Boreas Ponds a wilderness area with no motorized vehicle access. Call using the following number: 518-474-8390 ext. 2 and speak to one of his aides anytime Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
3. Stay up-to-date!
Check out the Adirondack Wilderness Advocates website, and check often, for updates and more ways to get involved.