Episode 5: “Success Comes After The Slog”
Whenever I’m climbing, for probably more than half of the time on the mountain, I’m wondering…
“Why am I even doing this? Do I really like this?”
Seriously, getting up some of those bigger mountains, like Rainier, Aconcagua, Denali, it’s brutally hard work. And a lot of the time, it sucks! And you can’t help but wonder if it’s worth it.
But obviously, I keep going back. I keep climbing. So the answer must be that, yes, it is worth the physical and mental pain to achieve that dream, reach that goal, stand on top (or even maybe not), and just look back with a general sense of accomplishment.
You learn so much about yourself when you dig in and see how much suffering you’re really able to take in support of your vision of success. Which I promise, is more than you might think.
But that’s the point here. That is takes a willingness to slog in order to success.
This episode of The Explore Inspired Show is about learning that success is a sufferfest and that you need a willingness to slog to get where you want to be, whether the top of a mountain, a podium, or your company!
How deep are you willing to dig? What’s your sufferfest look like?
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